Normal Hours
Common's Market
Common's Market, your all-in-one on-campus convenience store located at the Residential Housing Complex!
At Common's Market, we've got your back when it comes to convenience. Students can shop for everyday essentials, from household items and personal care products to office supplies, dairy goods, snacks, and more. You have the flexibility to pay with Trojan Express Dollars, debit, credit, or cash – whatever suits your needs.
But that's not all! Common's Market also serves up delicious f'Real shakes to satisfy your cravings. Swing by Common's Market and make life on campus a little easier and a lot more delicious with our delightful shakes!

Normal Hours
Common's Market
Common's Market, your all-in-one on-campus convenience store located at the Residential Housing Complex!
At Common's Market, we've got your back when it comes to convenience. Students can shop for everyday essentials, from household items and personal care products to office supplies, dairy goods, snacks, and more. You have the flexibility to pay with Trojan Express Dollars, debit, credit, or cash – whatever suits your needs.
But that's not all! Common's Market also serves up delicious f'Real shakes to satisfy your cravings. Swing by Common's Market and make life on campus a little easier and a lot more delicious with our delightful shakes!